Travel and Hotel

The convention committee is pleased to announce the 2023 convention will be held at the Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel & Trade Center in Marlborough, MA.

The venue is conveniently located off of I-495 and offers updated amenities and lots of nearby family-friendly attractions and dining options.

Convention Hotel Information

Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel & Trade Center

181 Boston Post Road W
Marlborough, MA 01752
Hotel direct phone number: 508-460-0700

Call the hotel's direct number (above) to book your room.
Inform the reservation agent that you are staying for the ham convention.
OR you can book online here.

View the hotel details from

Convention Maps

View the Convention Maps

Directions to the Convention

    From the North - (New Hampshire and Maine): Take US3, I-93 or I-95 South to I-495 South
    From the West - (New York and Western Mass): Take the Mass. Pike (I-90) to I-495 North or Rt. 2 West to I-495 South
    From the Southwest - (Connecticut): Take I-84 to I-90 or I-395 to I-290 then I-495 North
    From the South - (Rhode Island): Take I-95 North to I-495 North

    Depart I-495 at Exit 63B (old exit 24B) for Rt. 20 West.

    Hotel entrance is approximately 1.1 miles from I-495. You will see the hotel behind the Hannaford Supermarket on the right, but there is no access to the hotel from the supermarket parking lot. The entrance is a quarter mile further down the road. Look for the hotel sign that comes up on you fast because it is partially obscured by trees until you are right on top it.

Repeater Talk-In

Repeater talk-in courtesy of the Minuteman Repeater Association.

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147.270 +0.6 146.2
223.940 -1.6 103.5
449.925 -5.0 88.5